Flashing Router
放假后, 无聊之下找点东西玩玩. 无意中发现了关于刷Router固件的自眼"Flashing Router". 搜索一下, 发现DD-WRT software project. 看了介绍, 刷了Router固件好处很多, 无线信号加强, 功能大大加强, 和连接速度加快等等. 不过刷固件要注意很多问题, 首先要看自己的Router适不适合刷. 我用的是Linksys WRT54GL, 刚好适合. 不过刷过程要小心, 否则Router会变砖头. (有得玩当然不放过拉, 烂了大不了买新的) 下载好固件dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin 和 dd-wrt.v23_standard_generic.bin 后, 做好准备,开始工作了! 哈哈! 刷主板,刷内存,刷显卡, 刷PSP, 已经刷过不少东西了, 这小东西当然是没问题了, 一切在意料之中顺利完成. 有兴趣研究? 点这里http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation
刷完后设置好, 顺便上http://www.speedtest.net 测试一下速度, 意想不到下载速度又回去13400kbps了. 我用的是Cablevision 15M的, 刚开始也是13000kbps以上, 不过过了一个月后就变成3000kbps了, 开始以为是公司问题, 打电话没结果. 还是一样慢. 问了不少用Cablevision 的朋友, 他们都是一样慢, 个人认是Cablevision搞鬼. 但是数据显示是Modem到电脑的那断出问题, 但是原因是什么呢? 为什么个个都是一样慢呢? 我暂时也不确定, 不过换了这Router固件后竟然回去了1340kbps, 可算是最大的收获了.
补充: 发表完后, 有点不甘心, 为了找出速度提高的原因, 做了一个很简单的实验, 把Router拨了, 直接把电脑跟Modem连起来, 测试一下, 速度一样是很快的. 结果出来了, 速度变回的原因很简单, 不是因为刷了固件, 是因为我上次痛骂了Cablevision一顿. 想不到USA的服务也一样, 靠骗人来混过去.
(在comment里记下了我刷固件的详细过程, 有兴趣的可以看一下)
刷完后设置好, 顺便上http://www.speedtest.net 测试一下速度, 意想不到下载速度又回去13400kbps了. 我用的是Cablevision 15M的, 刚开始也是13000kbps以上, 不过过了一个月后就变成3000kbps了, 开始以为是公司问题, 打电话没结果. 还是一样慢. 问了不少用Cablevision 的朋友, 他们都是一样慢, 个人认是Cablevision搞鬼. 但是数据显示是Modem到电脑的那断出问题, 但是原因是什么呢? 为什么个个都是一样慢呢? 我暂时也不确定, 不过换了这Router固件后竟然回去了1340kbps, 可算是最大的收获了.
补充: 发表完后, 有点不甘心, 为了找出速度提高的原因, 做了一个很简单的实验, 把Router拨了, 直接把电脑跟Modem连起来, 测试一下, 速度一样是很快的. 结果出来了, 速度变回的原因很简单, 不是因为刷了固件, 是因为我上次痛骂了Cablevision一顿. 想不到USA的服务也一样, 靠骗人来混过去.
(在comment里记下了我刷固件的详细过程, 有兴趣的可以看一下)
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// open web browswer and surf to
username and password login
//defaulte username blank, password="admin"
// Successful login. Firmware Version: v4.30
// Today is Jun 11, 2007. I am going to do a first flash using dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin
// It is recommended to use dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin before installing "standard"
// Reset to Factory DefaultsFrom the Web GUI
// just out of the box? Do not assume factory defaults.
// Explicitly reset to Factory Defaults
Administration --> Factory Defaults --> Yes --> Save Setttings
// once you are back in the web gui
Administration --> Firmware Upgrade --> Browse
// assuming you have a copy of dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin downloaded to your computer
upload dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin
// do not do anything on your computer for 1 minute while this upload is working
// you should see an Upgrade Successful screen message
click continue
// you will be prompted with a login box.
// get a pen and find the reset button on the back of the WRT54GL
hold down the reset button for 30 seconds
release the reset button
watch the lights blink for 15 seconds
// open web browswer and surf to
// this has me successfully logged in
Linksys WRT54GL running DD-WRT v23 SP2 mini
Firmware: DD-WRT v23 SP2 (09/15/06) mini
// Now I want to upgrade to the dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin
// aka "standard"
Factory Defaults --> Yes --> Save Settings
// and upgrade
Administration --> Firmware Upgrade --> Default Settings --> Browse
// find local copy of dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin
// don't touch your machine for a minute or two unit reboots into
Firmware: DD-WRT v23 SP2 (09/15/06) std
// superstition?!?....instinct tells me to hard reboot the unit one more time
press and hold reset button for 30 seconds
// connect to the new DD-WRT interface and start exploring the possibilities.
// and under status reports the build #
DD-WRT v23 SP2 (09/15/06) std - build 3932
Post a Comment
username and password login
//defaulte username blank, password="admin"
// Successful login. Firmware Version: v4.30
// Today is Jun 11, 2007. I am going to do a first flash using dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin
// It is recommended to use dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin before installing "standard"
// Reset to Factory DefaultsFrom the Web GUI
// just out of the box? Do not assume factory defaults.
// Explicitly reset to Factory Defaults
Administration --> Factory Defaults --> Yes --> Save Setttings
// once you are back in the web gui
Administration --> Firmware Upgrade --> Browse
// assuming you have a copy of dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin downloaded to your computer
upload dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin
// do not do anything on your computer for 1 minute while this upload is working
// you should see an Upgrade Successful screen message
click continue
// you will be prompted with a login box.
// get a pen and find the reset button on the back of the WRT54GL
hold down the reset button for 30 seconds
release the reset button
watch the lights blink for 15 seconds
// open web browswer and surf to
// this has me successfully logged in
Linksys WRT54GL running DD-WRT v23 SP2 mini
Firmware: DD-WRT v23 SP2 (09/15/06) mini
// Now I want to upgrade to the dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin
// aka "standard"
Factory Defaults --> Yes --> Save Settings
// and upgrade
Administration --> Firmware Upgrade --> Default Settings --> Browse
// find local copy of dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin
// don't touch your machine for a minute or two unit reboots into
Firmware: DD-WRT v23 SP2 (09/15/06) std
// superstition?!?....instinct tells me to hard reboot the unit one more time
press and hold reset button for 30 seconds
// connect to the new DD-WRT interface and start exploring the possibilities.
// and under status reports the build #
DD-WRT v23 SP2 (09/15/06) std - build 3932
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